i’ve been taking macro photos for four years now. i thought it would be easy to learn, but it’s one of the hardest photography techniques i’ve encountered and i’ve yet to master it, but i do love taking photos of bugs, spiders, tiny flowers and other little things. these are my personal favorites from 2016 to 2019, at the end of the year perhaps i’ll post another gallery with my favorite images from 2020.
possibly Agapostemon melliventris possibly schizocosa mccooki Three-lined Lema Beetles (Lema trivittata) mating on a Datura flower the smallest butterfly in north america, the western pygmy blue (brephidium exilis) jumping spider unknown heteroptera specimen, probably pentatomoidea superfamily doll hand a little sweatbee sad bird :( Sceliphron caementarium, black and yellow mud dauber messy focus stack of believed to be tetragnatha versicolor eumenes bollii (probably) male